
A simple way to temporarily register fonts for use on a Windows computer (with or without admin rights).

Project maintained by scottoffen Hosted on GitHub Pages — Theme by mattgraham

Register My Fonts

A simple way to temporarily register fonts for use on a Windows computer, with or without admin access.

There are two primary use cases for this tool:

  1. You want to use a font that isn’t installed, but you don’t have admin rights to install fonts.
  2. You want to use a font temporarily, but don’t want to be bothered to uninstall the font later.

Download and Install

RegisterMyFonts is a single executable that can be placed anywhere on your computer. There is no installer, just double-click the file, or call it from the command line. There is no uninstaller, just delete the file. Having multiple copies on your machine at the same time isn’t an issue.

You can download the file by going to the releases section on GitHub and clicking on the RegisterMyFonts.exe file under the latest release.

Sample Page

Default Usage

The default usage is recommended. Simply place the executable in the same folder as the fonts that you want to register, and run it - either by double clicking on it in Windows Explorer or running it from the command line.

All fonts in the folder will be registered and available in applications that use the font registry, until the user is logged out or the computer is restarted.

The executeable uses the current working directory, not the directory the executeable is located in. When you double click in Windows Explorer, these values will be the same.

Advanced Usage

There are several command line parameters you can use to control application behavior.

Specify Font Directory

The directory value defaults to the current working directory, and all subdirectories will also be traversed for matching fonts. If you want to specify the directory to search for fonts in, you can use any of the following:

A DirectoryNotFoundException exception will be thrown if the specified directory does not exist.

Specify Font Extensions

By default, files with the extensions .ttf and .otf are matched as fonts and will be registered. You can specify your own list of extensions using one of the following flags:

A leading . before each extension is optional. Any leading or trailing white space will be trimmed.

Display Version Information

To see the verion for the executable, use one of the version flags.

Turn On Verbose Mode

If things aren’t working as expected, it can be helpful to turn on verbose mode.

Free To Use

RegisterMyFont was built specifically with educational institutions and students in mind. There is no charge for it’s use. Contributions and suggestions are welcome!