Route Scanner

Route scanners are used to scan assemblies, classes and methods and generate routes which can then be registered with a router. Routes are identified by attributes on the methods, and classes that contain routes are identifed with attributes on the class.


The RouteScanner and Router for a given IRestServer must be using the same service collection so that types that have routes to register can be added to the container.

Controlling What To Scan#

You can control what assemblies are scanned by the route scanner in two ways.

Exclude Specific Assemblies#

Add assemblies to be excluded from the scan to the ignored assemblies list prior to scanning.

// Scans everything except what's on the ignored assembly list.
List<IRoute> routes = routeScanner.Scan();

Scan A Single Assembly#

Scan only a specified assembly.

// Scan the current assembly
Assembly assembly = Assembly.GetAssembly(this.GetType());
List<IRoute> routes = routeScanner.Scan(assembly);
// Scan the assembly containing a given type
List<IRoute> routes = routeScanner.ScanAssemblyContainingType<SomeType>();

Controlling When To Scan#


Identifying Methods To Scan#